Hi, my name is Eva, welcome to my travel blog.
I travel since I was a kid but seriously started to discover other continents and more countries in 2006, first in Europe, then in Central America and Africa.
Currently I live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel and check my Instagram profile for more recent pictures and visual stories of my travels.
The Best Attractions and Sigths of Malta
4 April 2020
I must say that I was thinking of visiting Malta for quite some time as I had a good feedback from feidns who were there. But in most cases I was hearing: oh Malta, they have lots of churchues! So I always thought of it as the country where the main attraction are ...churches. Well, nothing wrong with it but I saw so many of religious architecture in my life that it wasn't my main desire to see more during another travel. So.. it wasn't at the top of my list.
Until I got some time off work in the early 2020, during winter months. I didn't want to travel too far and for too long ot spend too much. I looked for flights and found cheap enough connections to Malta for 10 days. It was the only one reasonable destination for a budget price and relatively warm and sunny at this time of the year. Oh - I forgot to mention that I usually chase the sun in winter so to escape cloudy, windy and simply despressing English weather.
I wasn't very mistaken. Even though it wasn't very warm it was enough sunny and pleasant weather to have a good experience and do visiting during the whole stay.
The most suprising was though that even it was pure truth about Maltese churches, the country had so much more to offer that I simply felt overwhelmed and soon disocvered that 10 days are certainly not enough to explore the island(s) thourougly.
Long story short - I did the best I could, drove around Malta & Gozo north to south, east to west totally enjoying myself and discovering the beauty of this one of the smallest nations in Europe.
Rather than write too much I invite you to watch this aerial video I made of the most popular and fantastic sights of Marta & Gozo. I believe Malta from above is even more fascinating than from the land!